Posture and Looking Forward

Lately as I go for my morning walk, I am concentrating on my posture.  I have never had good posture keeping my shoulders back and my chin up, my mother used to remind me when I was younger, but I just never did.

As I got older and on my own I was always packing kids around and that didn’t help with it either.  Then I spent many years hiking and always looking down to see where I was stepping.  Well, those are all of my excuses, now for improvement.

I decided a few weeks ago I really needed to do something about it, so as I walk I concentrate on keeping my shoulders back and my chin level with the surface I am walking on.  I found it’s easier when I am looking ahead a distance and I can still glance down with my eyes to be sure of my footing.

Isn’t this just like life?  We focus ahead on our goals or future, yet we can still keep our eye on the present and what we need to do now as well.  That of course helps to get us to where we want to go

Yes I am often philosophical like that.    Enjoy the present, keep your eyes on now, as well as your future.



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