Everyone and Everything We Encounter In Life Can Teach Us, If Only We Are Willing To Learn

learning_quoteI am certainly no Einstein, but I am passionately curious.

Learning can, and should be a continuous part of our lives.  No one knows everything, and we can all learn from each other, from our own experiences and from the experiences of others.  We can learn from our achievements, and from our set backs.  If we are open and positive, every person, and every thing we encounter in life will teach us, we must only allow ourselves to learn.

Since becoming involved with the online world of business and marketing in the last two years I can’t believe what I’ve learned.  How more confident I have become, as well as so much more humble and grateful.

I have virtually met and become intimate friends with amazing people all over the world.  I’ve been introduced to their culture and customs, and the discussions I have had with many of them have completely changed my way of thinking.

What I have gained through watching other lives on Facebook, and through the chats I’ve had with so many of these dear friends is priceless.  I’ve certainly learned that absolutely nothing is beyond my reach. I have seen what others can and have done and know that is possible for me as well.

I love to travel for much the same reason, I am insanely curious about other people and their ways of life, their struggles, their beliefs and customs.  Even their religions.  I am not a big fan of organized religion but many faiths have a real beauty that I enjoy and learn from.

I often get a little anxious about the thought of how many years I don’t have left. However I will never stop learning, I can become completely absorbed in technical work such as making videos, capture pages, editing photos, crafting emails, Facebook posts, and blog entries.  Or I often google things that interest me, just because.

But the education I am getting just from experiencing life is amazing.  I notice the little things on a walk.  I like to watch the bugs, birds and lizards, or notice how certain plants have changed as seasons progress.  I take note of those around me both online and off.  I love to talk to people,and learn about them and their lives, I guess that’s a big reason I like to write, hoping someone will read and have an understanding of my thoughts just as I love to hear about theirs.

Almost every interaction I have with others, or every experience I have will prompt me to learn even more.  So it seems I am in continuous research about so many random things.  And I enjoy every single minute of it.

I have learned that you really can get an education every single day if you will just allow yourself to be taught.


Please connect with me on Facebook, as I’d love to learn from you as well.


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