
Hi, Thank you for visiting my website.  Let me tell you a little about myself.

My name is Karen M Robinson and I am happy you stopped by.  I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 11, two of whom I am helping to raise.  I grew up in Southern Utah on a farm and in a small community.




I loved that lifestyle, and I eventually had horses, pigs, sheep and goats.  I raised a big 1/4 acre garden each year.  We had our own eggs, meat and milk as well as home grown vegetables.  This is where my love and knowledge for good healthy food began, my grandmothers lived nearby and taught me so much about nutrition and gardening.

My own kids ages ranged from 15-8 when their father and I divorced.  I kept the farm for awhile by myself, drove school bus and went to college.  Soon I realized I had to do something different which eventually led me to sell the farm and move into a larger town.  Eventually becoming a full time UPS driver where I retired after 23 years in 2009.


I honestly expected that to be the end of money producing years as I was retired with a pension.  But because of the recession my youngest son needed help as he was a single father to two young children and had been working in construction

. After moving with my son and grandchildren to Southern Nevada, just 35 miles away I knew I needed to be available for the kids to get them to and from school.  And to just be there for activities and supervision when their dad was working. We also need more income than my pension and social security, and his hit and miss construction jobs can provide.  At least if we want to have the carefree life we seek, to travel and truly enjoy the world.me iguana041

me snorkel boat043










I had dabbled a little online years ago and truly believe that the future of business and success are to be found by leveraging the internet.  With so many people and companies advertising and shopping online, being connected to the world 24/7 from their phones, this is what I need to learn.  Since I love sharing I intend to share all I learn with those who are interested.

I love sharing what I learn about life and business, about character, and relationship with others in the world.  I love learning from everyone and everything that happens to come my way.  Please connect with me, and let’s learn from one another.   Facebook, (send me a message first please so I know who you are)

I have found a few businesses I really like and will be sharing my success and knowledge here on this site and in my blog along with anything else that comes up.  I can be spontaneous like that. 

me zip line

I hope you enjoyed these few photos of my adventures and my passions, Travel, Camping, Nutrition and Family.  Please explore this website and the blog included and be sure to check out my other blogs.

