Last Day of School ! Wow what a busy day.

IMG_1859I am helping to raise two of my youngest grandchildren.  My son is a single dad and I’m free to help so here I am.  We all live together and sometimes that is a hard thing, but it is very rewarding to be so much a part of their lives as well.

Today is the last day of the school year for Dagon and Kali.  Dagon is a 6th grader and Kali is finishing up the 4th grade.  So they are in different schools, which makes it even more hectic.

Today I will:  Take Dagon to school at 7:30 am, then come home take Kali to school at 8:30 am.  Kali’s school is having an awards program later at 10:15 so back I’ll go.  She’s excited but a little apprehensive, she has gotten straight A s on every report card for the last 3 years, but she was placed in an accelerated (she calls it the smart class), class this year and so far not a single report card had all As.  She however has still only had 2 Bs each time. So she won’t be receiving a certificate and medal this year at the program.

Dagon will be out at 11:30 so I will be going back to pick him up, then Kali will be out at 12:35.  It’s going to be a whirlwind day.


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