Change Your Destination – Raise Your Standard

This post was going to be titled “just get started”, but after seeing this video by Tony Robbins this morning, I just had to share.  This video is pure gold for life.

Back to my original thought, and I hope you also get some value from this as well.

I have always hated washing dishes, as a kid that was my job (well one of them) at home.  I was assigned to wash the day’s dishes every other night.  I hated it !  I absolutely loathed it. I would put it off until I was so tired and sleepy I could hardly stay awake.

I would stand there washing each utensil and dish one by one by hand, and think “this is so stupid and such a waste of time washing each thing like this, I wish there was some kind of machine that could do this” (yes I’m old, this was before dishwashers were common in most homes in the US).  But I could not imagine how a machine could ever wash each of those items like that.

Well, my mother also hated washing dishes and I’m sure she hated fighting with me about doing my share of it.  In time dishwashers were becoming more available and she was determined to have one.  She had never ever worked outside the home, although she did take care of some of the business end of my dads farm.  She decided she would go work in the potato cellar sorting potatoes one fall and earn enough to buy a dishwasher.  We both went to work for my dad that fall and winter, I worked on weekends and after school.  I hated it as much as washing dishes, it was so cold! We stuck it out and mom got her dishwasher.

Even now I put off washing dishes even though I have a dishwasher.  The other day I began unloading the clean dishes preparing to load up the dirty ones, and as I was working I thought “this really is no big deal, this is not a big job, once I get started it’s really nothing.  The key is to just start”  This is so true with everything in life, business, or not.

This video by Tony Robbins fits right in with that.  He talks about doing, about deciding what we are going to do, where we want to go, then just acting on that. How everyone manages to accomplish their musts and not necessarily their wants.

In order to Change Our Destination, we must expand our identity, then live who we really believe that we are.

I love it and hope you do as well.

Until next time 🙂

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