My Online Adventures

My adventures online began back in the 90s.  I first started by actually learning a little html and designing a photography website.  My ex and I enjoyed so much photographing scenery as well as portraits and weddings.  It was a fun learning experience although it never furthered our little business.

A few years later I discovered ebay and Beanie Babies !  Now that was a true adventure.  My mother and I had so much fun learning all about the Beanie World and we met some fun people both online and off.

Then I continued on ebay selling Star Wars figures and toys, as well as Harry Potter and more.  For a few years I was busy with work and travel, until I retired in 2009.

I knew people were making money online advertising and blogging, so that was my next adventure.  My blog is still getting a lot of traffic and it is monetized with products and services related to camping and travel.  I love to share what I think and do, so that is what I will be doing here in the future.

I am now associated with several online businesses you will find on the website where this blog lives and I will also post my progress here along with other information as I learn.

I have found that being involved with business online has so expanded my way of thinking and that I am very successful even if I never earn another penny (which definitely will not happen).  I have met so many great people and learned so much I feel extremely blessed.  I will share it all so stay tuned…………………..


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4 Comments on “My Online Adventures

  1. Robert Gilleo says:

    Well written Karen! All of it! And WOW what a story….I’m taking notes about myself…it’s seeming pretty fun actually remembering the past, and putting it to paper…I think I’m gonna be following you around a bit, if you don’t mind?

  2. Sheila Spring says:

    I loved your blog Karen. I am happy that I found you in the Internet Marketing world. You are a great friend and Mentor.I learned a lot from you. Thanks.

    1. Karen M Robinson says:

      Thank you Sheila I am so thrilled to have found you as an amazing friend. Thank you for the kind words.

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